密苏里大学土木和环境工程系 肖峰副教授 (Associate Professor) 课题组目前有博士生(3名)的岗位空缺(2023春季或2023秋季入学),欧博研究课题主要集中于PFAS(详见如下)。
• 博士将提供全额奖学金(每个月薪酬 + 学费)。肖教授的课题组的博士生控制在4、5名左右,每个博士生都是肖教授直接指导。并且全力支持绿卡的申请以及找工作,皇冠我们欢迎有环境工程、化学工程、物理化学、化学背景的同学申请(不限国籍)。联系方式: Feng.Xiao@Missouri.edu。也请转发该信息。
肖峰教授目前担任国际期刊Journal of Hazardous Materials(欢迎投稿!)和Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE)的副主编(欢迎投稿!)。其在PFAS的研究,得到了同行的认可,DG游戏获得竞争十分激烈的美国环保署STAR Early Career Award;并获得竞争激烈的美国自然科学基金CAREER Award。肖峰博士课题组的研究设计非靶向检测、吸附和解吸附、生物富集、水和固体废物处理。其对于PFAS的热解的研究,开创了一个新的领域,欧博注册得到了广泛关注,其实验室证明所谓的永久性化合物(forever chemicals)如PFOA和短链的同系物可以通过简单的处理在150度的低温下降解。
感兴趣的同学,申请程序:1. 发一份CV给Feng.Xiao@Missouri.edu;2,符合条件的申请者将进行初步的视频面试(15分钟左右);3,根据面试结果,肖峰博士会提供进一步详细的申请信息。
(English version)
PhD Positions at the University of Missouri treatment and remediation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
The research group of Dr. Feng “Frank” Xiao ( at the University of Missouri (Columbia, MO) has three Ph.D. positions available for spring or fall 2023. We offer a very competitive stipend and full tuition coverage. Dr. Xiao’s research focuses on water and soil quality engineering. He currently is an editor of the Journal of Hazardous Materials (impact factor: 14.244).
Research topic #1: An Innovative Treatment Strategy for Removal of PFAS in Groundwater and Landfill Leachate
Background: Many countries and regions, including the U.S., plan to regulate primary PFAS compounds in drinking water. However, most water treatment facilities may not be prepared enough to face these new compliance challenges because conventional drinking-water treatment systems are not designed to remove PFAS from water. Effective strategies are urgently needed for removing PFAS in full-scale water treatment plants. This project aims to innovatively integrate and enhance commonly used water treatment technologies to effectively and practically remove PFAS from natural water and landfill leachate.
What will you learn:
• water purification
• water chemistry
• wastewater treatment
• liquid chromatography
• high-resolution mass spectrometry
• many other analytical skills
Research topic #2: Thermal Decomposition of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Soil
Background: The contamination of soil and water by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is a worldwide concern. Soil largely contributes to the quality of groundwater and crops, which are potential human exposure pathways for these chemicals. The challenge of dealing with PFAS contamination results from their chemical structure that leads to strong resistance to chemical and biological degradation in the environment. This project aims to understand thermal decomposition mechanisms of PFAS chemicals in soils. A deeper understanding of these processes is necessary for developing thermal technologies to clean up soils contaminated by PFAS to protect human and ecological health.
What you will learn:
• knowledge of environmental remediation
• environmental organic chemistry
• liquid chromatography
• high-resolution mass spectrometry,
• gas chromatography
• many other analytical skills.
The University of Missouri has the No. 12 best ranked value among all other public universities within the U.S. Founded in 1839 as the first public university west of the Mississippi River, the University of Missouri is a committed flagship and land-grant institution, a member of the competitive SEC conference — and a proud member of the AAU (including 63 top U.S. and Canada private and public schools).
To apply, please send a CV/resume to Feng.Xiao@Missouri.edu. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to have a brief Zoom (or another format) meeting with Dr. Xiao and submit a complete application for department review.