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时间:2024-06-09 16:51来源: 作者:admin 点击: 29 次


ѧױǷУUniversity of Missouri Columbia1839ڸױdzǽǵʱȺĴѧѷչΪѧϵĸУֱУױУColumbiaԼУУRolla˹УKansasCityʥ·˹УSt.LouisĸУѧ6.3

Postdoctoral Fellow in Comparative Radiobiology, Translational Radiopharmaceutical Development, and Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)

University of Missouri - Columbia

Position Description:

The Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at the University of Missouri is seeking a highly motivated and dynamic Postdoctoral Fellow to join our multidisciplinary team. The successful candidate will play a key role in advancing our understanding of comparative radiobiology, contributing to the development of novel radiopharmaceuticals, and exploring the application of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for targeted cancer treatment. This individual will work primarily in the Comparative Oncology, Radiobiology, and Epigenetics Laboratory (COREL) housed within the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. Additionally, the individual is expected to work closely with faculty and researchers at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) and the Molecular Imaging and Theranostics Center (MITC).

The COREL laboratory contains a Bio-Rad C 1000 Thermal Cycler 96 well module, 2 Thermo Scientific HeraCell 150i air Jacketed CO2 incubators, a LabConco Delta Series class II biological safety cabinet, Bio-Rad Experion analyzer, a Branson 450D Sonicator, Thermodyne Locater JR Plus Cryo storage unit, Fisher Scientific inverted microscope, Thermo Scientific Titer Plate shaker, Precision Scientific water bath, Heraeus Biofuge Stratos and 15 centrifuges, and a complete selection of Rainin electronic and Pipette-lite pipettemen. Equipment for radiobiologic studies include a Trevigen comet assay kit, micronucleus assays, and live cell imaging using a Lionheart F/X, equipped with a variety of filters for fluorescent imaging. The unit is also equipped with an automated scratch assay kit, a controlled humidity and environmental chamber, and the Gen5 analysis software with spot analysis toolkits.


• Conduct independent research in comparative radiobiology, investigating the effects of radiation on different biological systems.

• Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to design and execute experiments aimed at elucidating molecular and cellular responses to radiation in various organisms.

• Explore the potential of BNCT as a targeted cancer therapy, including the evaluation of boron-containing compounds for neutron capture.

• Investigate the radiobiology and translational potential of radiopharmaceuticals by evaluating their efficacy and safety in preclinical models and participating in companion animal studies.

• Analyze experimental data, prepare research manuscripts, and contribute to the dissemination of research findings through publications and presentations.

• Stay abreast of the latest developments in radiobiology, radiopharmaceutical development, and BNCT through literature reviews and participation in scientific conferences.

• Mentor and train junior researchers and graduate students.

• Collaborate with industry partners and external research institutions to foster translational research initiatives in BNCT.


• Ph.D. in Radiobiology, Radiochemistry, Cancer Biology, or a related field.

• Prior experience with animal models and ethical considerations in animal research.

Candidates will be evaluated on:

• Experience with Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis (Comet Assay)

• Experience with Micronucleus Assay utilizing gH2AX or BP53

• Working knowledge of fluorescent microscopy and image analysis techniques

• Strong background in comparative radiobiology, with expertise in radiation-induced cellular and molecular responses.

• Experience in the development and evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic or therapeutic applications, with a specific interest in BNCT.

• Proficiency in experimental design, data analysis, and relevant statistical methods.

• Excellent written and oral communication skills, demonstrated by a strong publication record.

• Ability to work collaboratively in a team-oriented environment.

Please contact Dr. Charles Maitz, Maitzc@missouri.edu if you have specific questions about the position. Applications will be reviewed until a suitable candidate is identified and hired.

Please apply on the MU Careers website at

https://apptrkr.com/4922762. Search for job opening "50043".

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