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MIT App InvDG游戏entor

时间:2024-05-22 21:56来源: 作者:admin 点击: 33 次
Case Study: Mainstreaming Computational Thinking Education The CoolThink@JC program initiated by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust is a nine

Case Study: Mainstreaming Computational Thinking Education

The CoolThink@JC program initiated by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust is a nine-year educational initiative which aims to provide computational thinking education to upper primary school students. Its mission is to nurture students’ proactive use of technologies for social good from a young age, and offer equitable access and mainstream computational thinking education in the formal curriculum.


Code Girls United Uses MIT App Inventor to Teach Girls Coding

When Marianne Smith was teaching computer science in 2016 at Flathead Valley Community College, in Kalispell, Mont., the adjunct professor noticed the female students in her class were severely outnumbered. Smith says she believed the disparity was because girls were not being introduced to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in elementary and middle school.


MIT App Inventor Inspires Girls with AI and Data Science at Technovation Challenge Workshop

Technovation 2024 Workshop at MIT

On March 16, 2024, after a prolonged hiatus due to the pandemic, the MIT App Inventor team had the delightful opportunity to host 24 girls participating in the Technovation Challenge 2024.


Developing Apps to Learn Quantum Computing with App Inventor

Prof. Yamamoto explore Quantum Computing with App Inventor

Our long time friend and collaborator Prof. Fujio Yamamoto explores Quantum Computing with App Inventor in his new blog.

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