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The 6 Best Journal欧博 Apps for 2024

时间:2024-05-22 19:03来源: 作者:admin 点击: 30 次
Want to start an online journal habit? Here are the best journal apps to consider downloading to your device or using on a computer.

With the right journal app, you can make a journal or diary entry truly yours by adding images, tagging locations, setting reminders to write, password protecting folders, and so much more.

Here are the best journal and diary apps you can use both online and offline, either from a web browser or on a mobile device.


of 06

The Most Secure Journal App to Protect Your Information: Penzu

A screenshot of the Penzu app on a laptop.

A screenshot of the Penzu app on a laptop.

What We Like

An incredibly secure journal for ultimate protection and privacy.

Fully customizable journal features for personalized journal covers, backgrounds, and font faces.

You can easily insert images between text in entries.

What We Don't Like

You'll have to upgrade to a $4.99 a month plan or a $19.99 a year plan if you want access to its full offering of customization features.

Some users report issues with saving entries and the app crashing.

Last updated in 2017.

Many journal apps offer security and privacy features, but Penzu is one that excels at it. This great journal app keeps your entries 100% safe with double password protection and military-grade 256-bit AES encryption.

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of 06

Most Intuitive Interface and Best Looking Layout: Journey

A screenshot of the Journey app.

A screenshot of the Journey app.

What We Like

What We Don't Like

You'll have to upgrade to a recurring $3.99 monthly or $29.99 annual fee if you want access to more features.

You'll have to pay a separate fee for each different platform version if you plan to use the app on different platforms.

Whether you're keeping a dream journal, a gratitude journal, a work journal, or any other type of journal, Journey is simply one of the best apps out there. Its crisp, clean layout is a pleasure to use for crafting your journal entries so they suit your personal journaling style.

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of 06

Simple and Beautiful Design With All the Right Features: Day One

An image of the Day One app on various devices.

An image of the Day One app on various devices.

 Day One

What We Like

What We Don't Like

It's inaccessible from a web browser.

There's a Mac app, but no options for PC users.

Similar to Journey, Day One features an interface that's clean, minimal and very pleasing to the eye. Despite its simple look, it packs all the features you'd want in a powerful journal app–including search, tags, maps, photos, and so much more.

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of 06

Great Diary App for Quick, Short Journal or Diary Entries: Diary

A screenshot of the Diary app in a YouTube video.

A screenshot of the Diary app in a YouTube video.

What We Like

What We Don't Like

Only available on Android and via the web. No iOS app.

Occasional pop-up ads with no premium version to upgrade to if you want to get rid of them.

If you're looking for an app that makes it as quick, easy, and effortless as possible to start and keep a diary or journal, Diary has you covered. It's a simple, yet powerful journal app that combines an easy-to-use interface with more advanced features like password protection, cloud storage, reminders, and more.

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of 06

Use Grid-Style Templates to Encourage Yourself to Write: Grid Diary

An image of the Grid Diary app on a tablet and a smartphone.

An image of the Grid Diary app on a tablet and a smartphone.

What We Like

Inspirational questions and prompts to help give you ideas for what to journal about.

The freedom to pick what you want to write about and personalize journal entries with images, etc.

What We Don't Like

Only available on iOS. No access via the web or from an Android device.

Features like password protection and cloud storage syncing are only available to Pro users for either a $1.99 monthly subscription or a $4.99 one-time purchase.

Grid Diary puts a unique spin on journaling by displaying a series of different questions in a grid-style layout, essentially making it easier for you to keep a diary or journal. It has a built-in library of suggested prompts so you never get stuck with writer's block.

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of 06

Capture Your Exeriences Without Having to Write Anything: Daylio

Two screenshots of the Daylio app for Android.

Two screenshots of the Daylio app for Android.

What We Like

Ideal for people who want to journal without having to write anything.

A smart interface and beautiful icons.

If you do want to write more, you can always add notes to your entries.

What We Don't Like

No traditional diary/journal writing options for wordier entries.

Not so much into writing, but want to find a super quick and easy way to record the things you experience in a day? Daylio is a micro-diary app that lets you simply pick your mood state and activities so you can spend more time doing things and less time writing.

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The 10 Best Writing Apps of 2024

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