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ThDG游戏e Committee

时间:2024-07-02 18:59来源: 作者:admin 点击: 16 次
Park Grove Community Church has lost its pastor and is closing its doors, unless it reinvents itself, despite itself . . .with the help of Chuck.

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S1E1 Pilot

Park Grove Community Church has lost its pastor and is closing its doors, unless it reinvents itself, despite itself...with the help of Chuck.


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S1E2 Hospitality

Taking on the role of a French waiter, Chuck cleverly sets a table for six to demonstrate for The Committee the true meaning of hospitality. It's not something you put on, it's a lifestyle.


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Reflecting the Community

S1E3 Reflecting the Community

Chuck shuffles through Rummage Sale skeletons and broken lamps to illustrate The Committee has been asleep at the wheel. “Our community has changed, but we’ve stayed the same.”


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Our Purpose

S1E4 Our Purpose

To better understand the church’s purpose, Chuck reminds the overly confident “good ideas” committee it just isn’t good enough. More important is the critical question “Why are we here?”


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S1E5 Evangelism

Evangelism, the “E-Word,” rears its ugly head. But The Committee takes a refreshingly different look at evangelism, discovering that the poor Mr. E-word may just be simply misunderstood.


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Understanding the Who

S1E6 Understanding the Who

Chuck’s amusing trip to “Whoville” is what it takes for The Committee to better understand “who” lives in the surrounding community, and that the Who should drive every decision The Committee makes.


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Discipleship System

S1E7 Discipleship System

Playing a whistle-blowing referee, Chuck once again amusingly derails the small group with an investigation of discipleship


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S1E8 Innovation

When the lights go out, it illuminates the need for innovation, as the inimitable Chuck helps The Committee to “see the light,” that more innovation is essential for the church.


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Small Groups

S1E9 Small Groups

A simple question—what is a small group? But simplicity once again has The Committee upside down, as Chuck facilitates understanding one of the most important things we do at church, small groups.


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Children & Families in Church

S1E10 Children & Families in Church

Daniel’s visiting daughter illuminates the church’s ineffective engagement of children and their families, prompting The Committee’s exploration of how important they are to the life of the church.


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S1E11 Stewardship

The Compass Committee grapples with the full meaning of stewardship in hopes of convincing the financially-prudent Mr. Riley to let go of the old idea that stewardship is merely an annual campaign.


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Committees That Work

S1E12 Committees That Work

Endless “church committee” jokes have Chuck realizing the truth in many of the unflattering remarks. Chuck insists they answer the toughest question of all. Are they really making a difference?


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Embracing a Legacy

S1E13 Embracing a Legacy

The aging Compass Committee must confront the elephant in the room. Congregations are growing older. For the church to survive, younger and older adults must work together. Easier said than done.


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Young Leaders

S1E14 Young Leaders

As the nerve-racking Jenga Game takes center stage, Chuck mediates The Committee debate over how older leaders must make mental and physical space for younger leaders.


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The Vote

S1E15 The Vote

Time’s up! The long and arduous process—with all its emotional ups-and-downs—comes to an end. Will the Compass Committee decide to close the church’s doors or keep them open?


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S1E16 Resurrection

Resurrection! The new Park Grove Community Church opens its doors. Is it the end for the Compass Committee, or are they just getting started? It’s a new dawn, a new day, a new beginning.

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