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‎TikTok on the App StoDG游戏re

时间:2024-05-21 14:59来源: 作者:admin 点击: 34 次
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about TikTok. Download TikTok and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touc

If you ever see a group of teenagers (or twenty- or thirtysomethings) filming themselves doing literally anything, know this: They’re probably making a video to share on TikTok. Its infinite scroll of new videos combines perfectly edited lip-synching, hilarious sketches, and mesmerizing dance moves with delightful special effects and filters. It’s hard not to fall in love with everyone’s fluffy pets, awkward parents, impressive glow-ups, fails of every kind, and songs and pop-culture references that spark a million memes.

rayrayray2122 , 05/11/2020

I’m having many problems

I’ve had tik tok for about a year now, and it’s one of my favorite apps. It’s got some major issues though. First of all, I don’t have a post button. Where it says drafts, there is just one button, and that’s to add the video to your drafts. I have looked up videos on where it is, because I guess I just don’t have one. I have put a lot of work into making tik toks, but I can’t even post them. Please at least tell me why this is happening, or if I’m just being dumb, tell me. Second of all, whenever I try to search ANYTHING, literally anything, it says “sorry this feature is currently unavailable” and I can’t search up anything AT ALL! It’s just super anoying, again just tell me if I’m being dumb, but I don’t think I am. Also it’s the same thing for writing comments :/ Third of all, I DONT HAVE A “FOR YOU” PAGE!!! I enjoy watching tik toks that are related to the ones that I already enjoy. But I still, have looked through the entire app, but I don’t have a for you page. Please try and fix these issues, because I think that they ruin almost the entire experience for me.

(Also I have an iPhone 6s so if that’s something that effects the way that the app works, sorry about that, but I mean idk)

Developer Response ,

Thanks for your review! In order for us to take a closer look, please provide more details using the Report a Problem feature within the Settings and Privacy section of your mobile app or web browser. We'll be happy to help you!

Z-Phoric , 12/21/2023

Tik Tok went down hill.

I’ve used this app for 3 years now, and I can tell you that the algorithm has gradually became so stagnant. But that’s the way the developers want it, and I’ll explain. You post a video, you will get a couple hundred views, and about a guaranteed 10% likes. The algorithm is pushing your content to people that don’t care to see what you post. They want us to use hashtags, and many have millions of views, but we only get a couple hundred at best? They’re purposely hold you back unless you pay yo promote your videos. I would if I was promoting product, for marketing reasons. It’s turning into a shopping app, rather than what it started out as. The algorithm based off your likes and content you want to see also gets stagnant. You will see the same things over and over, like one video, they shove a creator in your face a few more times within 10 videos.. it’s just odd. You can’t quite discover new or be discovered like you use to. I also love the hypocrisy of their “community guidelines”.. if you tell someone to go F themselves, because they’re bullying you and saying mean things. Hurtful things. It doesn’t matter. If they report you first their provocation leading up to them crying and reporting me, is justified, allowed, and protected. This has happened a few times. Bullying is allowed on this app. Don’t be fooled. My time on this app is most likely going to end soon. It’s becoming like the rest. A boring, growth stunting, cesspool.

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