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‎Indeed Job Search on the欧博注册 App Store

时间:2024-09-26 10:48来源: 作者:admin 点击: 22 次
Discover your next job opportunity on Indeed, the free job search app designed to connect you with better work anytime, anywhere. Forget the other jo

Sukidesu007 , 09/03/2022

It’s good! But I think it could be better!

Indeed is my go to app to job hunt. And I’ve had to do a LOT of job hunting! My circumstances recently changed from being able to work full time out of the house to part time in the house. What I find complicated with the app is that even if I use the filters to narrow down my job search, it doesn’t really seem to help. I want to look for ONLY part time jobs, which I specified in the filter options. However, the majority of the jobs presented to me are still full time jobs that just won’t work for my schedule. It makes sifting through everything a huge headache and honestly, pretty discouraging. I’m not sure why the filters aren’t working properly (I double checked to make sure I had chosen the right options and that those options were highlighted as being used), but if they would, the app experience would be great and a lot more user friendly. I also think it would be great to be able to specify jobs you DON’T want to see. I’m open to data entry and transcription jobs, but NOT customer service. As of now, you can only look at ALL job listings, or ONE type of job listing. It’s pretty limiting. All in all, Indeed has helped me a lot to find great jobs, but I’ve found it more difficult to use as my circumstances have changed.

Xaviersjifty , 03/27/2024

Better than other apps, but still pretty bad.

While my experiences with indeed have been miles better than most other job search apps, there is still A LOT left to be desired. For one, the search function is pretty bad, and the filter functions are terrible. For example, I could filter my search to only include entry level data entry jobs that require a bachelors, and yet half the jobs are for hospital roles that need a masters and a decade of experience. I also wish there was a way to filter out certain industries or companies. A large amount of almost all my search results are direct sales companies and pyramid schemes, under the pretense of “account manager” or “marketing jobs”. The fact that there is no way for me to filter out crappy and unrelated jobs adds way more time to my job search and bloats my search results to the point that it’s almost unusable. With that being said, as bad as it is, these same issues are much worse in many of the other apps (with the exception of handshake, but that’s not available to everyone).

Edit: Another issue I forgot to mention is scams. If you put your phone number on indeed be ready to be inundated with countless scam calls. I’m pretty sure indeed sells them your info. On top of that be careful because there are countless “jobs” that are just opportunities for scammers to steal your info. You can report them but indeed does nothing about it.

BeatnikNinja , 12/20/2022

Could be better

I have major privacy concerns with this app. Despite having done my part in app to secure whatever information I can- I still get texts messages from illegitimate “employers” with “job offers”. NO LEGITIMATE employers are going send you texts like “We saw your resume on Indeed blah blah blah click this link to apply” Clicking that link is a good way to forfeit sensitive information from your mobile device. My information via résumé should only be visible to the jobs that I’m applying to! PERIOD. Despite trying to put as much on private as I can through your app, I still get these text. Which has lead me to believe that it’s likely very easy for illegitimate individuals to create employer accounts. No legitimate employer is going to be so informal! That’s a RED FLAG! The other thing you guys should be aware of any job listing that is “commission only” or “appointment-based only”? Those are NOT in any way shape or form legitimate employers. What they are is scams. If a listing doesn’t offer an hourly wage? IT’s a SCAM. That is just an opportunist looking to make money off of the people in a bind. Who are unsuspecting & none the wiser. Filter those out of your listings IMMEDIATELY! I hope you take the information I have given you & IMPROVE the user experience. DO BETTER!

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