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‎OpenTable on t皇冠he App Store

时间:2024-08-28 04:11来源: 作者:admin 点击: 28 次
Every great meal starts with OpenTable. Download the app to find the perfect restaurant no matter where life takes you. DISCOVER SOMETHING NEW - Ch

Got a date to impress? Maybe you’re trying to celebrate your anniversary or meet up with a group of friends to grab something to eat. OpenTable makes it unbelievably easy to find the perfect place for the right occasion. Now save yourself some trouble by searching, exploring, and making a reservation all in one app.

Cucina Saporita , 12/17/2018

Good App, but Needs Improvement

I love the convenience of making reservations on this app, but I’ve given it 3 stars as it needs some improvements to go from good to great. OpenTable is great as most places use it, but if a competitor were to come up with a better user experience, I’d switch in a heartbeat.
1) Needs functionality to redeem points for dining coupons electronically. It’s 2018, why can’t I get a barcode that can be scanned at a restaurant? I tried to redeem points last weekend and it said to go to my desktop...some folks don’t even use a desktop outside of work. This is a huge miss.
2) Needs a better layout of local restaurants and navigation. I’ll search for local restaurants and after listing a few, it jumps to those 20 miles away. I’m in a huge metro suburb and I want to narrow in on a certain town and not get mixed results with places far away. I go out a lot and do a mix of city and suburbs but for folks not familiar with the area, it could be deceiving. For example, searching for something close by and you see an interesting place and don’t realize it’s further than you wanted until you click on the restaurant to explore.

Jojoclown , 04/11/2021

Fair Review?

Overall? I am very happy I can reserve in advance and not have to worry about long wait times while on vacation. Good Job! However, the app to get you to “some” places are not accurate, and when I called the restaurant no one answered, which isn’t all of the OD App’s fault, but the horrible directions from their link to the restaurant in the app is an oversight that can be fixed. I did appreciate that when they contacted me in email to remind me it is courteous to cancel reservations (i.e., as I DID already try, due to no fault of my own or lack of effort) the context of their email left a tone that didn’t assume it was ALL the customer (my) mistake. The email left a kind of open, placing no exact fault on any one party as the email just went over the correct procedure to cancel for next time kind of thing. I found no negative remarks in my account as a result of this mix-up, which was how it should have went. This is why I am trying Open Table again, and still providing a good score of 4/5. Honestly 4.5; but that isn’t an option. Good App Overall. Fix these little quirks like, a direct link to the restaurant’s email account, so when someone cannot get through on phone, the company can go see what is up, and then can offer up the canceled seat in real time to another party on the waiting list; thus, leaving everyone covered, and common courtesies can be given between all parties.

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