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Takin皇冠g App for Android

时间:2024-06-05 10:43来源: 作者:admin 点击: 38 次
Goodnotes is on Android! Discover why millions of people worldwide choose this note-taking app.

Introducing your new favorite note-taking app for Android

Coming soon: sync your notes across all platforms

Experience the freedom of handwriting

An example of GoodNotes

Write equations, mind maps, and diagrams on a blank canvas. Edit your ink after you’ve noted it down.

An example of GoodNotes

Multiple GoodNotes Templates

50+ notes templates to inspire every use case

Multiple GoodNotes Templates

From blank paper to graph paper, dotted paper, Cornell notes, and more. Just start writing.

Easily collaborate on any device

The UI of Goodnotes for Adnroid with the note of DNA

Share a link to your notes to invite others to view, edit, and comment.

The UI of Goodnotes for Adnroid with the note of DNA

Try it out and tell us what you think.

Get it on Google Play

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