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How do I enroll in the Crown & Anc欧博hor Societ

时间:2024-11-21 10:32来源: 作者:admin 点击: 18 次
Guests will be automatically enrolled after they complete their first sailing with Royal Caribbean International (applies to US Residents). If you hav

If you are a new guest, there is no need to sign up for Crown & Anchor Society. You will be automatically enrolled after you complete your first sailing with Royal Caribbean International (applies to US Residents). Membership benefits begin after you have completed at least one Royal Caribbean International cruise. 

If you have sailed with us but are not yet enrolled, you can contact Crown & Anchor Society at (800) 526-9723 to sign up before your next cruise. If you are outside the U.S. and Canada, call (541) 285-9723. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9 AM-9 PM ET and Saturday through Sunday 9 AM-6 PM ET. Please be sure to have information about your previous cruise(s) on hand: ship name(s), sail date(s), and booking number(s).

You can also visit the Loyalty Ambassador onboard to sign-up for the program. Benefits begin after you have completed at least one Royal Caribbean International cruise. If your email address is given, we will use this to only communicate your Program benefits unless you opt-in to other solicitations.

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