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‎Quor欧博注册a on the App Store

时间:2024-10-05 00:17来源: 作者:admin 点击: 24 次
Quora is a Q&A platform that empowers people to share and grow the world’s knowledge. People come to Quora to ask questions about any subject, rea

Jedanna , 02/08/2024


I love hearing bits and pieces my husband tells me, as he’s the one that reads Quora the most. I’m the one who votes, and all the stories have some meaning to them. We are getting old, been married 49 magnificent years. We have toured the world, went right out twice to the USA to touch sides. We were there for over a month each time. Went to see KIP MOORE in Scotland, all in business class. My hubby and I are now getting too old to want to travel. I’m now doing abstract art, and my hubby at 72, is still working a half day job, from the same company he worked for for over 20 years. He’s a master, with integrity, he’s a CPA. In South Africa, you have to retire at the age of 65, which is insanely stupid. But there you have it. We also do not get any pension from the government, at $120 a month for the poorest of the poor. But our vice president lives in a $36 million home near Cape Town. Where did all that money come from. Bribery and corruption is rife in South Africa. When Jacob Zuma was president, with a grade 5 schooling, they had to prepare him and make the words bigger and bolder, as he was an A…….hole. So peeps who have read this, what are your thoughts of South Africa.

Whisky9809 , 07/11/2021

Frustrating to Navigate

After having used the Quora app for about two years, I have come across a few annoying issues that really ruin the experience of the app. Firstly, every time I open the app, I have to wait for the app the respond to my touches. It can take anywhere from around 10 seconds to almost 20 seconds. I don’t know what it’s doing in the background, but it’s annoying. Next, when I want to search for a question, it seems to freak out and freeze the whole app. It opens the keyboard, and I can type on it, but there is a massive delay from when I press a key to it being displayed on the screen; it only happens when I open the app after not using it for a while. Next, very often when I am scrolling down through my feed and I tap on the “read more” on an answer, it doesn’t respond to my touch as if the read more button doesn’t exist. I can tap and tap as many times I want, but it will not open the answer. Tapping on the answer itself does nothing either. This happens randomly and I don’t know why or what triggers it. The last issue is the most annoying of them all. When I’m reading the comments, and I accidentally swipe left or right just a little bit, the whole app with hang and not respond at all. I have to manually close the app and reopen it again so it can work. These issues sometimes hold me back from even opening the app. Overtime, it seems that more problems are being made than fixed with every new feature update.

Developer Response ,

We're sorry to hear about this issue. To help us troubleshoot, please provide further details via our 'Report a Bug’ form, located at: https://goo.gl/9J7hwi

Hijakt , 07/17/2024

I love this app so much

This app is taught me a lot of stuff and allows me to share things that I have learned along the way, but apparently I love this app so much whoever is paid due disassemble my life and stock me and do all kinds of nasty things that fall under the category of target somebody for being a real one and standing up against evil and the deep state, apparently I accidentally showed my penis to a 16-year-old and then I realized I did when I read her profile and immediately tried to delete the pictures and I apologized and told her I did not realize her age when she was on some other space asking men for pictures. So it was a mistake, but whoever thinks that they can modify and manipulate my page temporarily took away my ability to leave comments and I despised you for that, luckily I deactivated my account and then reactivated it and that took the obvious hack away from the app. This is awesome and I’ll continue to use it if you want to reach out to me you can find me at. Auorakinesis because I have answers for everything, but I’m also a learner. Don’t forget those who learn the valuable lesson of the student and teacher at the same time always qualified to teach the more you learn the more you know check out your Pythagorean square. My personality type is a 111 which means I’m qualified to teach, but it’s so much more fun to learn. Thank you very much for making this app so good.

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