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Tencent 欧博腾讯

时间:2024-09-12 23:27来源: 作者:admin 点击: 23 次
腾讯于1998年11月成立,是一家互联网公司,通过技术丰富互联网用户的生活,助力企业数字化升级。我们的使命是“用户为本 科技向善”。Founded in 1998, Tencent is an Internet-based platform company using technology to e

As the platform for the company's new business incubation and new business exploration, CDG is responsible for promoting development and innovation for important areas such as financial technology and advertising, as well as marketing services, including payment and financial applications. As a professional support platform, CDG also supports the company and various business groups in strategic planning, investments and mergers, investor relations and corporate global communications, marketing and public relations, and more.

Responsible for promoting the company's cloud and industry Internet strategy, CSIG explores the interactions between users and industries to create innovative solutions for smart industries via technological advancements such as cloud, AI, and network security. While driving the digitalization of retail, medical, education, transportation and other industries, CSIG helps companies serve users in smarter ways, building a new ecosystem of intelligent industries that connect users and businesses.

Responsible for the R&D, operation, and development of the company's interactive entertainment business including games and eSports. Through online gaming, live broadcasts, and offline eSports, IEG assists the company in leading the global interactive entertainment market to create better interactive entertainment content experiences for users.

Responsible for the company's Internet platform and the integrated development of the content and culture ecosystem. PCG integrates social platforms such as QQ and QZone with traffic platforms such as Tencent's App Store and browsers, as well as content platforms including news, videos, sports, live broadcasts, animes and movies to develop a better growth environment for Tencent's content ecosystem. PCG promotes the cross-platform and multi-modal development of IP, with the overall goal of creating more diversified premium digital content experiences for more users.

Responsible for supporting the company and its business groups on technology and operational platforms, as well as the construction and operation of R&D management and data centers, TEG provides users with a full range of customer services. As the operator of the largest networking, devices, and data center in Asia, TEG also leads the Tencent Technology Committee in strengthening infrastructure R&D through internal and distributed open source collaboration, constructing new platforms and supporting business innovation.

Responsible for the construction and operation of the Weixin ecosystem and leveraging Weixin's open platforms such as Official Accounts, Mini Programs, Weixin Pay, WeCom and search function, WXG provides solutions and connectivity for intelligent upgrades across all industries. WXG is also responsible for the development and operation of QQ Mail, WeRead and other products.

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