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‎App Store 上的“Chat AI欧博: 中文 人工智能 聊天机器人”

时间:2024-07-18 12:10来源: 作者:admin 点击: 8 次
介绍 ChatAI - 这款革命性的人工智能聊天应用程序将改变你与机器交流的方式。 ChatAI 是一款应用程序,利用人工智能来协助用户进行各种任务。 通过自然语言处理技术和复杂的算法,ChatAI 能够理解并以自然和人类般的方式回应您的消息。无论您是寻找一个会话伙伴还是需要帮助处理任务和信息,C

AhhhhDood ,欧博 2023/02/17

Really Good **PLEASE READ**

So, it is a really good AI app. It was the ONLY free ai chat bot thingy in the AppStore until recently. And even then, I think that they were really relaxed on the amount of free questions a person can get a day.

It is completely understandable that they needed to make some features paid. I am very surprised that they weren’t getting better funding since it is such a good app. The free feature is enough for me, but I would suggest that if you don’t want the app to stop working, those with money to spare on this should do their best to support the developers to keep the app running.

Again, this is a really good app, and in comparison with ChatGPT and a few bigger ai chatters, this would be the better option. Especially as it has many quality FREE features. And if the free features are this good, I can’t imagine how good the pro features are. Everybody have a great day, and I hope this review was helpful.

v4l3nt1n0x ,皇冠 2023/01/25


Overall, this app is amazing and perfect. I love how you can ask it ANYTHING and only in just a few seconds, it gives you almost exactly what you’re looking for. The creators of this app knew what they were doing. This app is underrated and I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for something like this. In the app when you first open it, it gives you a warning that not everything in here is correct I appreciate how you’re being honest, it is completely free and even though it may not get everything right, it makes it look more realistic and less bot-like (from my perspective) and I love this app. The only suggestion I would make is to add a history button so you don’t lose the results you get. You could add a button in the corner so if you want to look for something, you can find it in the app. Otherwise, I 100% adore it.

Frank on B40 ,DG游戏 2023/02/04

ChatAI reviewed and Approved the following

This is my second review. After using ChatAI for a couple weeks the program seems to be letting its guard down to the extent that I can now ask it if it has an personal opinion on a subject. How amazing is that?! It's becoming possible to interact with it about the information, how it may be interpreted and the validity or reliability of the information. That on top of being the quickest way to find obscure information.. the size of a specified temple complex in rural Thailand - as obscure as it comes. The specifics of a song that is only partially remembered and it’s philosophical connotations. In addition to ‘write a letter to the President with reasons to…’
I thought Wikipedia was the greatest invention of the 20th Century. ChatAI seems to have become my active researcher into the world of information with an ability to digest and write. Truly amazing!

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