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Ogre FoDG游戏rums

时间:2024-12-28 02:03来源: 作者:admin 点击: 11 次
It's time for Game Jam 2023! If you are an indie game developer with a game that you finished this or last year (or are still working on one but have

It's time for Game Jam 2023!

If you are an indie game developer with a game that you finished this or last year (or are still working on one but have a demo) then you are welcome to join Blitzcoder.org and submit an entry to this topic before 1 November 2023.

Cash prizes will for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
Additionally, 1st Place Winner also gets Spine2D Professional ($329 Retail)

There is no restriction on what development tool you are using and it doesn't matter if it is 2D or 3D. It can be just a demo or a full game, free or commercial but it should be playable on a desktop OS (preferably Windows 10). Entries should be posted before November 2023 with your game title, download link, and an in-game picture.

More info and details here: https://www.blitzcoder.org/gamejam

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