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时间:2024-10-15 09:13来源: 作者:admin 点击: 22 次
Ogre will do the drawing. You still need a heap of other things to make a game engine, such as a physics system, audio, possibly networking, an entity

Ogre will do the drawing.
You still need a heap of other things to make a game engine, such as a physics system, audio, possibly networking, an entity/gameobject system of some kind, ai (such as path finding), scripting, level format handling (ogre's dotscene can load the visual world, but doesn't understand audio/logic/etc). None of that is part of Ogre.

orache wrote:i want to create a 3d game engine like real virtuality 3 game engine and i want create a game like arma 3 with my game engine

It's taken Bohemia Interactive 200 employees and 16 years to reach the current state of Real Virtuality 4 used in Arma 3 (or 4 years since Arma 2's Real Virtuality 3 engine). Trying to make something similar on your own may take a while.


It would be easier to go with an existing game engine such as CryEngine 3, it already has all the extra needed stuff included (audio, networking, ai, etc) and allows C++ coding. It would give you a huge head start over building it from scratch with ogre and a heap of other libraries.

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