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Make Your皇冠 Own game

时间:2024-09-25 03:10来源: 作者:admin 点击: 20 次
In this Make Your Own Game Series from Buildbox, you'll learn exactly how to make your own video game. Includes 10 training videos, game art and

In this fifth video tutorial, we’ll cover actions, effects and logic pieces in-depth. You’ll learn how to add actions like coins, invincibility, power-up magnets and action animations.

Creating an in-game economy with coins and other actions such as power-ups is an excellent way to give your players goals and reward them. When you make your own game with this in mind your overall gameplay experience and player retention will be much higher. The option to collect coins also empowers users to unlock characters and other special items you decide to include, which can lead up to an in-app purchase generating real money.

We’ll cover how to import coins for players to collect, how to add a coin tracker to your game’s UI, invincibility power-ups and the use of path logic pieces.

You’ll also learn how to add beautiful light effects and particle effects in creative ways to make your game look really professional.

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